Influence of the percutaneous impulsive current stimulation of hepatic region on the hepatic tissue of exercise-induced fatigue rats 脉冲电流经皮刺激肝区对运动疲劳大鼠肝组织病理学变化的影响
Withdrawing regularly from excess stimulation such as media, phones, driving, toxic city noise and busy places and allowing yourself a moment in time to dissolve your fatigue and stress. 有规律地从过多的刺激中解脱出来可以使你及时消除疲劳和压力,这些刺激包括媒体,电话,驾驶,有害的城市噪音和忙碌的场所。
Influences of percutaneous pulse current stimulation at hepatic region to Bcl-2 and Bax expression in and ultrastructure of hepatocytes in exercise-induced fatigue rats 脉冲电流经皮刺激运动疲劳大鼠肝区对肝细胞Bcl-2、Bax表达及超微结构的影响
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effectiveness of modulated medium frequency electrotherapy, and acupoint stimulation therapy and Ciwujia capsule on chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS). 目的:观察调制中频电疗法穴位刺激及口服刺五加胶囊对慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)的临床疗效。
Effect of transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation at Zusanli on exercise-induced fatigue in rats 经皮穴位电刺激足三里对抗大鼠运动性疲劳
Biphasic selective stimulation is an effective electrical stimulation mode for preventing nerve fibers against electrochemical damage, and for smooth muscle contraction and decrease of muscle fatigue. 双向选择性刺激是避免神经纤维电化学损伤、使肌肉平稳收缩、降低疲劳的有效电刺激模式。
Effect of vibration stimulation on muscle fatigue 振动刺激对肌肉疲劳进程的影响
The result showed that combinative using of hemoglobin and blood urea can accurately evaluate Taekwondo athletes'physical function and creatine kinase could effectively evaluate the stimulation degree that muscle suffered after training and the fatigue recovery conditions. 结果表明,血红蛋白与血尿素结合使用,能较准确地评定跆拳道运动员身体机能状况,血清肌酸激酶能有效评定训练后肌肉所受刺激及疲劳恢复情况。
Results ( 1) Femoral transverse fracture fixed by static nails because of stress shielding, fracture surfaces are short of sufficient stress stimulation, it is liable to cause fracture delayed union or nonunion, and caues locking nails fatigue broken if weighted in early phase after operation; 结果(1)静力型固定股骨横断骨折由于产生应力遮挡,折端缺乏足够的应力刺激,容易导致骨折延迟愈合或不愈合,早期负重锁钉疲劳性断钉的可能大;
Luffa Saponin ( LS) can accelerate the growth of premature mice, has protective effect against disadvantageous stimulation, such as high temperature, anoxia, fatigue and nuclear radiation damage, and enhance phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages and promote hemolysin formation. 丝瓜皂甙能促进幼龄小鼠的生长,对小鼠遭受高温、缺氧、疲劳和核辐射损伤时有保护作用;并能增强小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能和促进小鼠溶血素的形成。
The Use of Flashing Stimulation in EEG for Evaluation of Athletes 'Mental Fatigue EEG闪光刺激诱发试验对运动员神经疲劳评定的研究
The Effect of Acupoints Combined with Magnetism Stimulation on Autonomic Nervous Activity Under Driver Mental Fatigue 汽车驾驶员疲劳状态下穴位磁刺激效应分析
Conclusion The degree of fatigue, depression and anxiety of CFS patients had close relationship with the stimulation quantities of life events, in addition, the degree of fatigue had influence on the changes of such emotions as anxiety and depression. 结论CFS病人疲劳、抑郁、焦虑的严重程度与发病前的生活事件刺激量有密切的关系,病人的情绪改变受疲劳程度的影响。
It shows that experimental group's sports ability and nerve conduction ability are better than the comparative group's, which indicate that point electricity needle stimulation can make for eliminating neuromuscular fatigue and enhancing sports ability. 结果显示实施穴位电针刺激的实验组,其运动能力和神经传导能力均优于对照组,表明穴位电针刺激有助于消除高强度速度后的疲劳,提高机体的运动能力。
Because of the stimulation of the unstable field of the water, the blade would be fatigue failure by the unstable hydraulic stress. 由于水力不稳定流场的激励作用,使叶片产生动应力而容易引起疲劳破坏。
The basic characteristic of the functional neuromuscular stimulation signals suitable to body is preliminarily determined after the fatigue performance of the biceps, and the physiological reaction to stimulation is investigated using many continuous stimulation signal patterns. 研究了功能电刺激作用下的人体神经肌肉的疲劳特性和生理反应,初步确定了适合于人体神经肌肉电刺激脉冲信号的的基本特性。
Nowadays, the main limitation to daily use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation ( NMES) is the muscle fatigue induced by NMES. 目前,限制神经肌肉电刺激(Neuromuscularelectricalstimulation,NMES)广泛应用的一个主要因素就是由其诱发的肌疲劳。
To investigate factors cause of acupuncture intervention chronic fatigue effect of rat SAS axis. method: Application method of multiple stress ( including swimming, bondage, empty bottles stimulation and has turned night into day) establish a chronic fatigue model of rats. 探讨针刺干预对多因素致慢性疲劳大鼠SAS轴的影响。方法:应用多重应激的方法(包括游泳、束缚、空瓶刺激和昼夜颠倒)建立大鼠慢性疲劳模型。